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Board of Directors


The seven CCPC board members are nominated by corn producers and appointed by the Colorado Commissioner of Agriculture. There are two directors from District 1, two directors from District 2, one director from District 3, and two directors who are at-large, and can reside in any district. Directors serve for a term of three years and can serve for up to two terms. Terms run from October – September.

Board of Directors

Matt Mulch

Burlington | President | District 2

Jessica Brophy

Yuma | Vice President/Treasurer | District 1

Alex Eckhardt

La Salle | Secretary | At-Large

Stratton Kraft

Fort Morgan | District 1

Kyle May

Stratton | District 2

Derek White Heckman

McClave | At-Large

Are you interested in becoming a CCPC director?

About the Job

Qualifications to be a Director

Applications will reopen on July 1 and are due August 1, 2025

To request an application, please email info@coloradocorn.com or send in a letter requesting an application to the office (address below).

Completed applications can be submitted to:
Colorado Corn Promotion Council
9085 E. Mineral Circle Ste 240
Centennial, CO 80112